Pragashnie Naidoo Luminary Solutions

Imagine! Create! live!

Specks of Dust

Published in 2021,  my first fiction, Specks of Dust, is based comparatively on the experience in the environment and surroundings I grew up in. The story highlights the cracks of society exposing the taboo of those times, to recognize the vulnerable, in some way saying that they were not alone, and to help them heal from their wounds. It may help society right those wrongs by doing differently for the current and future generations.

Naomi and Peter

My first published work is a children’s short story for CEA Greatest Anthology Written Guinness, called Naomi and Peter. The publication was an attempt to beat the Guinness World Record of 50 writers in a single volume, where Celenic Earth Publication managed to get 109 writers in one volume.

My Writings & Musings

Childhood Trauma

Childhood Trauma

Explore and understand what childhood trauma is and recognise the various experiences that may be traumatic for a child. An insight for parents and caregivers.

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Religious Trauma

Religious Trauma

Explore the causes and effects of religious trauma, its impact on mental health, and the importance of seeking professional support for healing and recovery.

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Childhood Trauma

Childhood Trauma

Explore and understand what childhood trauma is and recognise the various experiences that may be traumatic for a child. An insight for parents and caregivers.

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Religious Trauma

Religious Trauma

Explore the causes and effects of religious trauma, its impact on mental health, and the importance of seeking professional support for healing and recovery.

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